This is an example of an integration between a quotation form and Protemos. The data the potential customer enters in this form will be sent to the Protemos dashboard and a new client with a quotation attached to it will be created. No need to manually enter this yourself anymore.
You are free to set out some preferences for how the integration should work. This form creates a quote and connects a client to that quote. But there are some rules that need to be followed:
The following parameters can be set when using a form (* mandatory):
- Subject*
- Description
- Currency*
- Language pairs
- Specialization (software, law, medical, etc)
Furthermore there are the following parameters:
- Client* (a quote must be connected to a client)
- Primary manager* (who should I set as the primary manager?)
- Secondary manager (?)
- Start date
- Deadline
- PDF size for the generated quote document
- PDF orientation
Also there is a possibility to upload files and add these to the quote.
When creating a new quote a new client needs to be created with the following parameters:
- Type (company or private person)
- Branch
- Company name (if a company)
- Tax number
- Vat number
- Website
- Time zone*
- Country
- Region
- Zip code
- City
- Address
- Note
- First name*
- Last name*
- Gender
- Phone
- Skype
- Email*
- Ability to access the client portal on Protemos or not
Do you like what you see?
If you request a non-binding quote, we will first make an inventory of your requirements.